Page:Son of the wind.djvu/100

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"What of that? I never liked my home, and I haven't seen it for ten years."

She had a way of seeming never to have formed an opinion on a subject, but just to meet it for the first time as it was presented to her. At this one she looked surprised and a little dubious. "I like it here well enough." She glanced vaguely around her. "I like it much better than the Sacramento Valley. It's beautiful here when you get off in the mountains." The expression in her eyes grew further away. "Yes, I think I'm happy here. At least," she murmured it as if she had forgotten he was there, "I have been happy this September."

"I hope you're not going to be less happy for the next week." It was horribly crude, the primary personality. Carron blushed for himself, but the result was what he wanted.

Her gaze came back promptly upon him. She did not reply, did not try to turn his sentiment. Actually, with her large arrested gaze, she seemed to consider it. In the pause, in the silence, he felt his foolish platitude was gathering significance. "What can you be to my happiness or unhappiness?" the look of hers seemed to say. Seriousness was he last note he wanted to strike; but in spite of him, it was struck between them. The question in her eyes had provoked the question from his. For a breath, the