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Dedicated to Gen. R. E. Lee, by E. B. R.

[Copy Right Secured.]

Virginia! Virginia! Thou gallant old State!
The home of the valiant, the good and the great;
Whose sons in the front of the battle have stood,
And in Liberty’s cause poured out their life’s blood,
Thy annals are filled with their deeds of renown!
Their names are the Jewels that shine in thy Crown!
Virginia! Virginia! Thou illustrious old State!
I ne’er will desert thee whate’er ’s thy fate!

Land of Statesmen! may thy sons ne’er see the day
When thy glory shall wane or thy strength shall decay,
Bat long may thy banner wave proudly on high
And “Sic Semper Tyrannis” forever thy cry!
May thy patriot sons bid the Nations afar
Render homage and praise to Virginia’s star!
Virginia! Virginia! Thou illustrious old State,
I ne’er will desert thee whate’er ’s thy fate!

Thy valor is prais’d by the good and the great!
Who honor thy brav’ry and lament thy Fate!
So long as Yorktown’s known in history and song,
Thy glory and valor to the Nation belong!
Thy motives sustain’d by the power of Truth!
May thy ensign be ever an emblem to Youth!
Virginia! Virginia! Thou illustrious old State!
I ne’er will desert thee whate’er ’s thy fate!