Page:Song book (2).pdf/11

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11 At dancing I am quite a Don, To two penny hops I often run; And I can shuffle too like fun, And so can Mrs Johnston.

At fighting I can take my share, I am a match for any here; A fighting man I am they swear, And so is Mrs Johnston.

Amongst the girls I sometimes roam, 'Bout which she docs not stamp or foam, I often take a lover home, And so docs Mrs Johnston.

In getting children I'm not shy, For modesty is all my eye ; I've got four young ones on the sly, And so has Mrs Johnston.

'Bout dress I do not care a jot, Though once of clothes I had a lot, I've pawned all but the suit I've got. And so has Mrs Johnston.

Of trouble I have had some shocks, And 'cause I gave a cove some knocks, I twice have been put in the stocks, And so has Mrs Johnston.

Now all who are to wedlock prone, If you its joys would have alone, Select a temper like your own, As I did Mrs Johnston.