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My father urged sair; my mither didna speak, She look'd in my face till my heart was like to break. So they gied him my hand, tho' my heart was at the sea;-- Now auld Robin Gray is gudeman to me.

I hadna been a wife a week but only four, When sitting sae mournfully ae night at the door, I saw my Jamie's wraith, for I couldna think it he, Till he said, “I'm come back, love, to marry thee." O sair did we greet, and muckle did we say; We took bit ae kiss, and we tore ourselves away I wish d I were dead; but I'm no like to die. Oh! why do I live to say, Wae's me!

I gang like a ghaist, and I carena to spin ; I darena think on Jamie, for that would be a sin; But I'll do my best a gude wife to be, For auld Robin Gray is kind to me. “ Nae langer she wept-her tears were a' spent- Despair it was come, and she thought it content, She thought it content, but her cheek it grew pale, And she droop'd like a lily broke down by the hail.


Author unknown. Music by Webbe.

Glorious Apollo from on high beheld us. Wand'ring to find a temple for his praise, Sent Polyhymnia-hither to shield us, While we ourselves such a structure might raise. Thus then combining, lands and hearts joining, Sing we in harmony Apollo's praise.

Here every generous sentiment awaking, Music inspiring unity and joy- Each social pleasure giving and partaking, Glee and good humour our hours employ. Thus then combining, hands and hearts joining, Long may continue our unity and joy!