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"Twas on a Monday morning, Right early in the year, When Charlie came to our town, The young Chevalier. As he came inarching up the street The pipes play'd loud and clear ; And a' the folk eaine running out To meet the Chevalier. O! Charlie is my darling, &c.

Wi' Highland bonnets on their heads, And claymores bright and clear; They came to fight for Scotland's right, And the young Chevalier: They've left their bonnie Highland bills, Their wives and bairuies dear; To draw the sword for Scotland's lord, The young Chevalier. O! Charlie is my darling, &c.


Author unknown. Arranged as a Duet.

Begone, dull care! I prithee begone from me; Begone, dull care! thou and I can never agree. Long time hast thou been tarrying here, And fain thou wouldst me kill; But, i'faith! dull care, Thou never shalt have thy will.

Too much care will make a young man grey; And too much care will turn an old man to clay. My wife shall dance, and I will sing, So merrily pass the day; For I hold it one of the wisest things, To drive dull care away.