Page:Songs compleat, pleasant and divertive (Wit and mirth or, Pills to purge melancholy).djvu/206

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We have got the main Pillar here:
        To Sea from the Shoar
        Let loud Cannons roar,
Let the Trumpet too sound between,
        Whilst from each Brittish Voice
        We are venting our Joys,
In honour of great Eugene.

        Hail mighty Prince,
        Whose bright Glory from hence
Soon will spread o'er the wandring Isle,
        You we possess,
        Should we ne'er see your Face,
Who remember Turin and Lisle:
        Your Twin, Brother Star,
        The Soul of the War,
Bright as Phœbus was always seen,
        For search all Europe o'er,
        Never Heroes before
Shone like Marlborough and great Eugene.

        Each Day and Night,
        To promote your Delight,
Let the Muses their Art employ;
        Janglings are guest
        From the Dome in the West,
That I wish may not curb your Joy;
        Jarrs have long while
        Been the Plague of our Isle,
The Effects of our Wealth and Spleen;
        May they fly like the Wind,
        And let all be enclin'd
To sing Welcome to Great Eugene.