Page:Songs compleat, pleasant and divertive (Wit and mirth or, Pills to purge melancholy).djvu/218

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      They should favour the Age
      That does cherish the Stage,
Since kind to their Ghostly performance;
      Remembring late days
      When Lawn Sleeves, and Plays,
Were cry'd down, an equal enormance.

      But see the result
      Of their quicunque vult,
Her Majesty made Proclamation;
      'Twixt the Scenes that none stay,
      That all Bullies should pay,
And sponge no more for Recreation.

      That no Plays be rude
      Immoral or lewd,
In Betterton's Province or Riches,
      All Masque's lay'd away,
      Which is done since that day,
For now they come mobb'd up like Witches.

      All this being obey'd
      Is still of our side,
Since the Profit is our chiefest matter;
      But of all that have been,
      The commands of the Queen,
She has not forbid us our Satyr.

      Which is a new[1] Case
      We may properly raise,
Where a Gown-man did furnish the matter;
      For proof of it all
      Ask at Westminster Hall,
How the Clergyman Marry'd his Daughter.

      Good sence that is shewn
      Without Blunder or Tone,
Preach'd by heart too, to make it more Charming;
      A Devout sober life,
      Never stirring up strife,
All prejudice must be disarming.

  1. Doyley's Case
    late try'd.