Page:Songs compleat, pleasant and divertive (Wit and mirth or, Pills to purge melancholy).djvu/240

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      For as they can Heal,
      With the Iron and Steel,
And the Wretch, Paralitick recover;
      They can make lewd Dice Players,
      Go to Chappel to Prayers,
And a Brazen Physitian turn Lover.

      They can make him disgrace,
      A most Beautiful Face,
And adore a thing, Frowzy and Cloudy;
      Witness a brown Girl,
      Counted here for a Pearl,
Whom we all thought at Clapham a Dowdy.

      A Face turn'd four-square,
      Full of aukwardly Air,
Ne'er design'd for nice beauty's Regalia;
      With a Mouth, which each laugh,
      Spreads two Inches and half,
And a Skin like a Ham of Westphalia.

      Then tho' Grazzet she wears,
      Through her Sisterly fears,
Of what her whole Lineage may come too;
      Since her Daddy despairs,
      Yet she gives her self Airs,
And has got the Town Jett with her Bum too.

      They can make the Precise,
      The Demure and the Wise,
Applaud this fine Method of living;
      Tho' you never can keep
      Out the Wolves from the Sheep,
And it all ends, in Cheating and Thieving.

      In short to conclude,
      Without being rude,
They can give such a Tincture to Nature;
      They Fat Bawds can inure,
      To sell Fruit, and Procure,
In spight of the Jerks of a Satyr.