Page:Songs compleat, pleasant and divertive (Wit and mirth or, Pills to purge melancholy).djvu/279

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[Music ]

BRight was the Morning, cool was the Air,
  Serene was all the Sky;
When on the Waves I left my dear,
  The Center of my joy:
Heaven and Nature smiling were,
  And nothing sad but I.

Each Rosie Field did Odours spread,
  All Fragrant was the shore;
Each River God rose from his Bed,
  And sigh'd and own'd her power:
Curling their Waves they deck'd their heads,
  As proud of what they bore.

So when the fair Egyptian Queen, Her Heroe went to see; Cidnus swell'd o'er his Banks in pride, As much in Love as he: Cidnus swell'd, &c.

Glide on ye waters, bear these lines,
  And tell her how distress'd;
Bear all my sighs ye gentle winds,
  And waft 'em to her Breast:
Tell her if e'er she prove unkind,
  I never shall have rest.