Page:Songs compleat, pleasant and divertive (Wit and mirth or, Pills to purge melancholy).djvu/281

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Zooks cry'd Hall, I can't but think,
Now we are come to Wedlock brink;
How pure a stock 'twill be how fine,
When you put your good mark to mine;
        Siss at that,
        Glowing hot,
Buss'd him as if she'd have burnt him to Tinder;
        Thus they Woo,
        But see how,
Damn'd Fate contriv'd now the Bargain to hinder.

Sissly had got a Cold I suppose,
And 'twixt her Fingers was blowing her Nose;
Harry, that Linnen too wanted I doubt,
Lent her his Glove, to serve for a Clout;
        Scraping low,
        Manners to show,
And tell her how much he was her adorer:
        Pray mark the Joke,
        Leather thong broke,
And Breeches fell down to his Ancles before her.

Sissly who saw him thus distrest,
Pulls of her Garter of woolen List;
And with a sly and leering look,
Gave it to mend up what was broke;
        Fumbling he,
        Could not see,
What he discover'd, tho' e'er he had ty'd all:
        For just before,
        Shirt was tore,
And as the Devil would have't she had spy'd all.

She gave him then so cold a Look,
Discontent it plainly spoke;
And running from him near a Mile,
He overtook her at a stile;
        Too much hast,
        Milk down cast,
And topsy turvy she fell on her Pole with't: