Page:Songs compleat, pleasant and divertive (Wit and mirth or, Pills to purge melancholy).djvu/305

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[Music ]

NOW, now Winter is retreating,
Hark, hark the Martial Drum is beating;
Fate smiles upon the Glorious Year,
Predestin'd for Proud France to fear: Flanders shall shake with Marlborough's Thunders, Spain too where Staremberg did Wonders, Spight of some late unlucky blunders; And the taking of Girrone March, March, begin the Seige of Arras, Then, then lead on your way to Paris; Mounsieur you'll confound, And Philip must in course go down. Cease, cease Brittish Men your jangling, Great harms befall us by your wrangling; Rank feuds encourage still the Foe, You else might quickly overthrow: Joyn all, let Royal Anna charm ye, Use means to pay the Fleet and Army; No pow'r of bragging France will harm ye, Tho' Te Deums never cease; Tho' tho' with Boyish crowds they threaten, All know their Marshalls can be beaten; Conquests will increase, And soon we shall command a Peace.

Second Movement.

[Music ]