Page:Songs compleat, pleasant and divertive (Wit and mirth or, Pills to purge melancholy).djvu/327

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With some pretty marks,
  That lie under thy Cloaths;
Sure thoult be a rare one,
  To Kiss, kiss, &c.

To make thee grow quickly,
  I'll do what I can:
I'll Feed thee, I'll Stroak thee,
  I'll make thee a Man:
Ah! then how the Lasses,
  Moll, Betty and Nan;
By thee will run Mad,
  To be Kiss, kiss, &c.

And when in due Season,
  My Billy shall Wed;
And Lead a young Lady,
  From Church to the Bed:
A Welfare the loosing,
  Of her Maiden-Head;
If Billy come near her,
  To Kiss, kiss, &c.

Then Welfare high Fore-head,
  And Eyes black as Sloes;
And Welfare the Dimple,
  And Welfare the Nose:
And all pretty Marks,
  That lie under the Cloaths;
For none is more hopeful,
  To Kiss, kiss, &c.