Page:Songs compleat, pleasant and divertive (Wit and mirth or, Pills to purge melancholy).djvu/365

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Here happy herds of Dear we feasting see,
  That pass in joyful Peace succeeding Days;
Emblems of Innocence and Amity,
  All inwardly their great Creator praise.

Their Benefactor too that comes to view,
  They seem to bless with large uplifted Eyes;
No turns of State, or War, their fears renew,
  Nor sting of Conscience sprung from mortal Vice.

But well contented with what each enjoys,
  They waste the Year in that delightful place;
And now let the Viator turn his Eyes,
  And varying Pleasure, on the Garden gaze.

Here Nature's Cornucopia open shews,
  Repleat with Flowers and Fruits, for use of Man,
Here too a chrystal River sweetly flows,
  Just so through Paradise Euphrates ran.

The wanton Fish their choice Delights pursue,
  Themselves affording what all Sports excel;
From the cleer Stream uprais'd the Dome they view,
  Where second Jacob and Rebecca dwell.

Forgive me, Madam, if my grateful Soul,
  In worth applauding Rhimes, is here exprest;
Or tell my honour'd Patron 'mongst the whole
  Of his excelling Comforts, you are best.

Your Soul, where Vertue and Discretion joyn,
  Appearing still in both serenely great,
Thus makes in him the Joys of Life divine,
  And gives Perfection to the Wedlock state.

The beauteous Offspring too, that grace your Board,
  Like charming Cupids in a painted Heaven;
Amongst the rest Addition large affords,
  To all the Blessings plentifully given.