Page:Songs compleat, pleasant and divertive (Wit and mirth or, Pills to purge melancholy).djvu/51

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For tho' I'm no Lord,
      Nor to Senate preferr'd,
Yet my Priviledge I'll maintain,
      And as free-born of the Land,
      You my wrong shall understand,
Which I here will undaunted explain;
      Of a hum, &c.

The Fart you late heard,
      Laid to one of the Guard,
That of late did the Court Surprise,
      'Tis prov'd was not his,
      As Informers did guess,
But a Females of his Jolly size;
      With a hum, &c.

The thing came out thus,
      Near to Buckingham House,
And the Motto all Fancies excelling,
      Near the Ancient Pall-mall,
      The Park, and Canal,
Two Buxom young Ladies were dwelling;
      With a hum, &c.

Related so near,
      It does plainly appear,
That they both from one Bottom did come,
      The one thin and lean,
      As a Garden French Bean,
And the tother as round as a Drum;
      With a hum, &c.

The Elder when dress'd,
      And her Belly straight lac'd,
If she stoop'd from behind must Roar,
      The Younger as frail,
      If she laugh'd at any Tale,
Could not keep in the Juices before;
      With a whisse, hum, &c.