Page:Songs compleat, pleasant and divertive (Wit and mirth or, Pills to purge melancholy).djvu/85

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Rebellious, vile, and abject state,
  In lost Bavaria see,
From Princely station forc'd of late,
  To serve now basely thee:
His scatter'd Race to corners fled,
  Scarce having means for Life,
And he for their poor distressful bread,
  Beholding to his Wife:
The Bann inrag'd, his Country gon,
  Thy Plots too all unhing'd,
The baseness to our Kingdom shewn,
  In proper time reveng'd;
And all by Wars renown'd alarms,
  Made by our Glorious Queen,
For who can e're oppose in arms,
  Brave Marlborough and Eugene.

Pharsalia, where fames golden book,
  Shews Cæsar's glorious Theme,
Must yield to her, whose Hero took,
  An Army at Blenheim:
Landau retriev'd, and Traerbach gain'd,
  Do's next years fate presage,
And end the most Renown'd Campaign,
  E're known in any Age;
Yet Lewis, pray be sure for this,
  Te-Deums loud you roar,
And let your Cousin the Arch-Bish,
  Appoint 'em as before:
Whilst we that with good Reason think,
  Our Joys are now serene,
Extol when flowing Bowls we drink,
  Great Marlborough and Eugene.