Page:Songs of the Workers 15th Edition.djvu/10

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(Tune: "Hold the Fort")

We speak to you from jail today
Two hundred union men,
We're here because the bosses' laws
Bring slavery again.


In Chicago's darkened dungeons
For the O. B. U.
Remember you're outside for us
While we're in here for you.

We're here from mine and mill and rail
We're here from off the sea,
From coast to coast we make the boast
Of Solidarity.

We laugh and sing, we have no fear
Our hearts are always light,
We know that every Wobblie true
Will carry on the fight.

We make a pledge—no tyrant might
Can make us bend a knee,
Come on you worker, organize
And fight for Liberty.

Cook County Jail, Oct. 18, 1917.