Page:Sonnets and Ballate of Guido Cavalcanti.djvu/59

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Thou hast in thee the flower and the green
And that which gleameth and is fair of sight,
Thy form is more resplendent than sun’s sheen;
Who sees thee not, can ne’er know worth aright.
Nay, in this world there is no creature seen
So fashioned fair and full of all delight;
Who fears Amor, and fearing meets thy mien,
Thereby assured, he solveth him his flight.

The ladies of whom thy cortège consisteth
Please me in this, that they’ve thy favour won;
I bid them now, as courtesy existeth,
Holding most dear thy lordship of their state,
To honour thee with powers commensurate,
Sith thou art thou, that art sans paragon.