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DUCKWORTH & CO.'S PUBLICATIONS 15 STEPHEN, H. L. State Trials: Political and Social First Series. Selected and edited by H. L. Stephen. With t photogravures. Two vols. Fcap. Svo. Art vellum, gilt top. 5.?. net. Vol. I. Sir Walter Raleigh Charles I. The Regicides Colonel Turner and Others The Suffolk Witches Alice Lisle. Vol. II. Lord Russell The Earl of Warwick Spencer Cowper and Others Samuel Goodere and Others. State Trials : Political and Social. Second Series. Selected and edited by H. L. Stephen. With two photogravures. Two vols. Fcap. Svo. 55. net. Vol. I. The Earl of Essex Captain Lee -John Perry Green and Others Count Coningsmark Beau Fielding. Vol. II. Annes- ley Carter Macdaniell Bernard Byron. STOPFORD, FRANCIS. Life's Great Adventure. Essays. By Francis Stopford, author of "The Toil of Life." Cr. Svo. Cloth. 55. net. STUDIES IN THEOLOGY. A New Series of Handbooks, being aids to interpretation in Biblical Criticism for the use of the Clergy, Divinity Students, and Laymen. Cr. Svo. . 6d. net a volume. THE CHRISTIAN HOPE. A Study in the Doctrine of the Last Things. By W. Adams Brown, D.D., Professor of Theology in the Union College, New York. CHRISTIANITY AND SOCIAL QUESTIONS. By the Rev. William Cunningham, D.D., F.B.A., Archdeacon of Ely. Formerly Lecturer on Economic History to Harvard University. FAITH AND ITS PSYCHOLOGY. By the Rev. William R. Inge, D.D., Dean of St Paul's. PROTESTANT THOUGHT BEFORE KANT. By A. C. McGiffert, Ph.D., D.D., of the Union Theological Seminary, New York. THE THEOLOGY OF THE GOSPELS. By the Rev. James Moffat, B.D., D.D., of the U.F. Church of Scotland, sometime Jowett Lecturer in London, author of "The Historical New Testament," " Literary Illustrations of the Bible," etc. A HISTORY OF CHRISTIAN THOUGHT SINCE KANT. By the Rev. Edward Caldwell Moore, D.D., Parkman Professor of Theology in the University of Harvard, U.S.A. REVELATION AND INSPIRATION. By the Eev. James Orr, D.D., Professor of Apologetics in the Theological College of the United Free Church, Glasgow. A CRITICAL INTRODUCTION TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. By Arthur Samuel Peake, D.D., Professor of Biblical Exegesis and Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Victoria University, Manchester. PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION. By the Rev. Hastings Rashdall, D.Litt. (Oxon.), D.C.L. (Durham), F.B.A., Fellow and Tutor of New College, Oxford.