Page:Sons of the Tyne's garland.pdf/4

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Young Roger determin'd his Mind to diſcover,
Saluted fair Gillian ſo Charming and free,
Thea begg'd her Conſent in the Strain of a Lover,
In chaſte Wedlock Bands, his Bride for to be,
She agreed—Vows were plighted.
And they with each other, were ſo well delighted
That Hymen and Cupid, their Hearts both united,
And bleſt the ſweet Laſs of the North Country.

FLOWER of the FOREST the Old Way.

I Have ſeen the ſmiling of Fortune beguiling,
I have felt all its Favours and found its Decay
Sweet is its Bleſſing, and kind its careſſing,
But now it is fled, fled, fled far away.

I have ſeen the Foreſt adorned the foremoſt,
With Flowers of the faireſt moſt pleaſant and gay,
So bonny their blooming their Scent the Air perfuming,
But now they are withered, and gone all away.

I've ſeen the morning with gold the hills adorning,
And loud Tempeſt ſtorming before middle day,
I have ſeen Tweed's ſilver Streams, ſhining in their ſunny Beams.
Grown drummy and dark, as he roll'd on his way.

O fickle Fortune, why thus cruel ſpoiling,
Why thus perplexing poor Sons in a Day?
No more thy Frowns can fear me,
No more thy Smiles can chear me,
Since the Flowers of the Foreſt are all wed away.
