Page:Soseki - Botchan (1918).djvu/242

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Masuya in front of Kadoya. We’ll rent one room upstairs of the house, and keep peeping through a loophole we could make in the shoji.”

“Will he come when we keep peeping at him?”

“He may. We will have to do it more than one night. Must expect to keep it up for at least two weeks.”

“Say, that would make one pretty well tired, I tell you. I sat up every night for about one week attending my father when he died, and it left me thoroughly down and out for some time afterward.”

“I don’t care if I do get tired some. A crook like Red Shirt should not go unpunished that way for the honor of Japan, and I am going to administer a chastisement in behalf of heaven.”

“Hooray! If things are decided upon that way, I am game. And we are going to start from to-night?”

“I haven’t rented a room at Masuya yet, so can’t start it to-night.”
