Page:South-Indian Images of Gods and Goddesses.djvu/263

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He is surrounded by a circle of light, is seated on a lotus pedestal 1 and is supposed to reside in a quadrangle evidently the quadrangular sacrificial fire-pit. In his seven arms he holds the vessels prdkshani (sprinkler), srik (ladle), sniva (spoon), purna-patra (vessel full of water), tomara (pestle), fan and the ghee-pot, required in performing a sacrifice. He has braided hair, red garments and a big belly and wears the sacred thread yajnopavita. His vehicle is the ram and his banner, the smoke issuing from the sacrificial fire-pit (fig. 146). He is attended on either side by his two wives Svaha and Svadha. Hemadri describes him as having a single face, three eyes, moustaches and four arms. He rides in a chariot drawn by four parrots and driven by the god of winds, Vayu. His wife Savitrl is seated on his left thigh, with a vessel of gems in her hand. In three of his arms Agni holds two flaming tridents and a rosary.

Yama, the lord of the south and the god of Death, has been YAMA. already referred to in the description of the Siva image called Kalaha or Kalaharamurti. He is dark of colour, exhibits the club, noose, abhaya and varada in his four arms and rides on a buffalo. The illustration from Chidambaram (fig. 148) shows only two hands in which are held the club and the noose. Hemadri mentions as his symbols the staff, sword, a flaming trident and the rosary. His wife called Dhumrorna is seated on his left thigh and holds a lime fruit in her left hand. To the right of Yama stand Chitragupta, Udlchya and others who keep a record of the actions of men. To his left stands the fierce Kala with the death-noose in his hand. Two women called Dharma " virtue " and Adharma " vice " are seen on either side of Yama with chauris in their hands.

Nairrita, the lord of the south-west region, is supposed to NAIRRITA. be the chief of the Rakshasas. He rides on a man, wields the mace and the javelin and has Kalika for his wife. In the Kallka-Purdna he is described as having two hands, holding a sword and shield and riding on an ass. He causes terror to demons, devils and spirits (fig. 149).

Varuna the regent of the west is also the lord of the ocean VARUNA and of all aquatic animals. He has the crocodile vehicle and four arms. In the two upper hands he holds the serpent and the noose (fig. 150). According to Hemadri he is seated in a chariot drawn by seven swans. In his four hands he holds the lotus, noose, conch and a vessel of gems and has

1 Or the half-moon seat (ardhachandr-asana) according to the Mayawati* l6-A