Page:South-Indian Images of Gods and Goddesses.djvu/304

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Padmottarakhanda, quoted, 21611. Paidamma, village deity, 224, 1'aithan, country of, 239. Palani-Andavar, name of Skanda on the

Palni Hill, ijjn.

Pallava, dynasty, i, 2, 43, 73, 88, 107. Pallis, class of Sudras, 227. Palligondan, Tamil name for the reclining

form of Vishnu, 50. Palni (Palnis), hill and village in the

Madura district, 177/1, 178. Panchadehamurti, image of Siva with

five bodies, 77. Panchamukhalinga, the Siva-linga with

five faces, 77. Panchamukha-Vinayaka, s.a. (?) Heramba-

Ganapati, 176.

Panchanadesvara,temple,at Tiruvadi, 159;;. Panchaparameshthins, group of images

worshipped by the Jainas, 265. Pancharatragama, work quoted in the

Tattvanidhi, 1711, 26, 3211, 43, 55, 151,

!55> I8 S- Panchavaktra-Bhairava, form of Bhairava,

'Si- Pandavas, one of the contending parties

in the war of the Mahabharata, 47, 227. Panduranga, form of standing Vishnu at

Pandharpur, 55. Pandurangashtaka, Sanskrit poem by San-

karacharya, 55. Pandya, country, 2/1, 229. panivattam, vernacular name for the

pedestal of a Siva-linga, 73. Paradesamma, village deity, 224. Paramesvaramangalam, village in the

Chingleput district, 190. Parantaka I, Chola king, 88. Parasurama, incarnation of Vishnu, 22. Parasuramesvara, temples of Siva called

after Parasurama, 22/2. parijata- flower, 220. Parivaralayattu-Pillaiyar, Ganapati image

mentioned in the Tanjore inscriptions,

I 7 6. parrot, vehicle of Kama, 62 : symbol of

beauty in the hand of Durga, 199, 202,

267 : (four), yoked to the chariot of

Agni, 243. Parsees, 236^.

Partha, epithet of Arjuna, 47. Parthasarathi, epithet of Krishna, 47. Parvati, consort of Siva, 74, 76, 79, 82/2, 84,

90, 103, 107, no, 113, 120, 141,143, 147,

16211, 165, 184, 190, 196, I97, 202,

21211, 224.

Pasupata, sect of Saivas, 148, 161. Pasapata, weapon, presented by Siva to

Arjuna, 141, 143.

Pasupatamurti, form of Siva, 148, 268. pataha, kind of drum, 82. Patanjali, sage (with serpent body), 82, 84;;,

88 ; author of the Mahabhashya, 178. Pattalaruma, village deity, 224. PattinI, name of Kannagi in Ceylon, 229.

Pavadairayan, general of Aiyanar, 230.

peacock, vehicle of Kaumari, 194 ; of Skanda, 177, 178 : its feathers, orna- ment on the head of Krishna.^S, 43^ ; of Nataraja, 79, 268 ; of Tvarita, 212: symbol, in the hand of Bhikshatana and Kankala, loo, 103 ; of Nataraja, 84 ; of Skanda, 177 : accompaniment of Dakshinamurti, gon.

Pechi, village deity, 224.

Peddintamma, do., 224.

Perantalamma, do. 229.

Periya-Perumal, epithet of Rajaraja 1, 262;^.

Periyapuranam, Tamil work, 147, 161, 162, 262.

Persia, 235.

Perunjingadeva, Pallava king, 88.

Perur, village in the Coimbatore district, loo, 125.

ptstle (musala), weapon, in the hand of Chamunda,l94; of Heramba-Ganapati, 173 5 of SuHarsana, 66.

phalapatta, ornament on the forehead of Parvati, 190.

phallic cult, 72.

Pichchandar, Tamil name for Bhikshatana,


Pidari, Tamil name for a village goddess, 196, 211, 216, 224, 226.

piercing (with metallic wire), ceremony observed in temples of village deities, 226.

Pillaiyar, Tamil name for Ganapati, 176.

pipal, tree, 47;* : abode of Bhutamata, 216 ; of jyeshtha, 21611 -.sacred to the goddess Vaishnavi, 196: Naga stones set up under it, 248 : its marriage with i/iargosa, 248.

Pisachas(devils), class of goblins, 148, 230.

pithapadma, form of pedestal, 266.

pithas, pedestals, 266 : mystic geometri- cal figures connected with Sakti worship, 185, 220.

Pitridrohin, epithet of Chandesa, 162.

Planets, the nine, 70, 235, 236, 239, 241, 26611.

plough, symbol, in the hand of Balarama, yjn ; of Skanda, 177, 178 ; of Sudar- sana, 66. _

Poduvagai-Urudaiyal, village deity, men- tioned in Chola inscriptions, 226.

Poieramma, village deity, s.a. Sltala, 224.

Ponnamma, village deity, 223, 224.

pot, of fire, symbol, in the hand of Nata- raja, 77,84, 88; of Dakshinamurti, 90: of flesh, in the hand of Sivaduti, 216 ; of gems, in the hand of Saubhagyabhuvanes- vari, 218 : - of ghee, in the hand of Agni, 243; of Brahma, li: of nectar, in the hand of Dhanvantari, 259 ; of Gaja- Lakshml, 187; of Garuda, 64*1 : of rubies, in the hand of Maha-Gana- pati, 173: of treasures, seen below