Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 03.djvu/306

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

to do anything for our succor, but cannot leave my department without orders of War Department.

G. T. Beauregard.

Shady Grove Church, 1st June, 4 K. P. M.

General G. T. Beauregard, Hancock House:

General Grant appears to be gradually approaching the York River railroad, whether with the view of touching James river or not, I cannot ascertain. I am ignorant of the movements of the enemy in your front, or whether it would be in your power to take position north of James river.

R. E. Lee, General.

Drewry's Bluff, 4 A. M., 16th June, '64.

General B. Bragg, Richmond:

Just arrived at this point with Pickett's division; have informed General Beauregard. Direct to me here.

R. E. Lee.

Drewry's Bluff, 16th June, '64.

General A. P. Hill, Riddel's Shops, via Savage Station:

Send a brigade to vicinity of New Market station, intersection of Kingsland and New Market roads.

R. E. Lee.

Drewry's Bluff, 9.40, 16 June, '64.

General Beauregard, Petersburg:

Please inform me of condition of affairs. Pickett's division is in vicinity of your lines and front of Bermuda.

R. E. Lee.

Drewry's Bluff, 10.30 A. M., 16th June, '64.

General Beauregard, Petersburg:

Your dispatch of 9.45 receive; it is the first that has come to hand. I do not know the position of Grant's army; cannot strip north bank of James river; have you not force sufficient?

R. E. Lee.