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Southern Historical Society Papers.

ined, seemed practicable. I therefore rode in that direction, and when about to enter the woods, met the Commanding-General en route himself for a survey of the ground. There being here still a good deal of sharp-shooting, the front had to be examined with caution. General Wilcox, commanding on the right of Anderson's division, had already seen beyond the farther edge of the woods, and under his guidance I accompanied Colonel Long to the farmhouse, at the summit where the cross-road from Fairfield, &c., emerges. Having noticed the field, and the enemy's batteries, &c., I returned to General Longstreet for the purpose of conducting his column to this point, and supervising, as might be necessary, the disposition of his artillery. He was advancing by ravine-road, as most out of view, time having been already lost in attempting another, which proved objectionable because exposed to observation.

On learning the state of facts ahead, the General halted and sent back to hasten his artillery. Members of my staff were also dispatched to remedy, as far as practicable, the delay. Cabell's, Alexander's, and Henry's battalions at length arrived, and the whole column moved towards the enemy's left. Colonel Alexander, by General Longstreet's direction, proceeded to explore the ground still farther to the right, and Henry's battalion, accompanying Hood's division, was thrown in that direction. Upon these, as soon as observed, the enemy opened a furious cannonade, the course of which rendered necessary a change in the main artillery colunm. Cabell's battalion deflected to the right, while Alexander's was mainly parked for a season, somewhat under cover, till it could advance to better purpose. The fire on the cross-road through the woods having, after some time, slackened, I reconnoitered that front again. As before, the enemy was only a few hundred yards off, awaiting attack.

Soon after, at about 4 P. M., the general assault was made. Alexander's battalion moved into position, fronting the peach orchard near the Emmettsburg road, and opened with vigor, as did the battalion to its right. The enemy obstinately resisted and our batteries suffered severely. Within an hour, however, his guns were silenced and his position carried. Alexander then ran forward his pieces, which did effectual service in hastening and confining the enemy to his rear position on the mountain. Between his guns in that position and our batteries, a cannonade was kept up more or less briskly until dark.

While the First corps thus advanced into position and operated on the right, the batteries of the Third corps, from the advanced position in the centre, early taken, occupied the attention of the enemy by a deliberate fire during the whole afternoon. Opportunity was once or twice taken by myself to observe the progress and effect of this fire. It elicited a spirited reply, and was useful in preventing full concentration by the enemy on either flank.

On the left attack was also delayed till the afternoon. About 4 P. M. the guns of the Second corps in position on that front generally opened with a well-directed and effective fire. This also, although the right seemed to claim my chief attention, was partially observed by me from the central ridge in rear of the Third corps. Massed as were the enemy's batteries on the Cemetery Hill fronting our left, and commanding as was their position, our artillery admirably served, as it was there operated under serious disadvantage and with considerable loss. It still, however, for the most part maintained its ground and prepared the way for infantry operations. Here the gallant Major Latimer, so young and yet so exemplary, received the wound which eventuated in his death. Thus stood affairs at nightfall the 2d: on the left and in the centre, nothing gained; on the right, batteries and lines well advanced—the enemy meanwhile strengthening himself in a position naturally formidable and everywhere difficult of approach.

By direction of the Commanding-General the artillery along our entire line was to be prepared for opening, as early as possible on the morning of the 3d,