Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 05.pdf/54

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Letter from Col. J. B. Walton.

3d. Hood's division.
4th. McLaws' division.

During the march to Hagerstown, Md., and thence to Gettysburg, all orders from General Lee or General Longstreet were communicated to me officially as Chief of Artillery, First corps.

On the night of the 30th June, I encamped near Greenwood, on the road to Gettysburg, with the two battalions composing the reserve artillery of the artillery of the First corps of the army—Alexander's battalion and the Washington Artillery. It had rained all day in torrents, greatly impeding our progress, and in consequence, the two battalions were not as well advanced as they otherwise would have been. We remained halted at Greenwood all day of the first of July.

At about ten o'clock at night, July 1st, a courier came to my camp and delivered to me the following, from General Longstreet's headquarters:

Headquarters, near Gettysburg, Pa.,
July 1st, 5:30 P. M., 1863.

Colonel: The Commanding-General desires you to come on tonight as far as you can, without distressing your men and animals. Ewell and Hill have sharply engaged the enemy to-day, and you will be wanted for to-morrow's battle. The action to-day has been vigorous and successful. The enemy was driven two or three miles and out of Gettysburg, without hesitation. General Rodes now occupies the town. The enemy's loss in prisoners and casualties considerable—ours light. Major-General Heth wounded, not dangerously.

I am, very respectfully,

G. M. Sorrel, Assist.-Adjt.-General.

To Colonel J. B. Walton,
Chief Artillery, Commanding.

The following is Adjutant W. M. Owen's statement of what was done from the moment of the receipt of the note above recited until the two battalions reported on the field on the morning of the 2d July:

I carried the order to Colonel Alexander, commanding one of the battalions of artillery attached to the reserve, (all under Col. Walton, chief of artillery,) at about 10:30 to 11 o'clock, at night. At 12 o'clock Alexander's battalion and the Washington Artillery were stretched out on the road to Gettysburg. A long delay then occurred in starting, on account of an immense wagon-train pass-