Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 06.djvu/256

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

Society on a firmer basis, than ever before. Our membership is now larger than ever; our receipts for the year have been $1,592.96 greater than during any previous year; we have received most valuable contributions to our archives; we have been granted free access to the Archive office of the War Department, and our Papers have grown in favor, while the importance of our work is more widely appreciated than ever before.


The detailed statements of previous reports, and our published acknowledgments of contributions made from time to time to our archives, preclude the necessity of any catalogue here. But we have completed a carefully compiled catalogue of our official reports, and are now preparing a similar one of all of our other material, which we invite our friends to inspect as making a most gratifying exhibit of how, without the means of purchasing anything, the patriotic liberality of our friends has enabled us to make in a short time a collection much larger and more valuable than many upon which thousands of dollars and years of time have been expended.

The value of our collection may be seen from the simple statement that we shall be able to supply the Archive Bureau at Washington with many important additions to their collection.

But we still urge our friends to send us (either as a donation or a loan) everything which can shed light on the "war between the States."


We have continued to issue regularly our monthly (Southern Historical Society Papers), and are glad to report an increased subscription and a growing appreciation of the value of the publication. Not only at the South, but also at the North and in Europe our Papers are being recognized as of the highest authority. Our five bound volumes and our "Treatment of Prisoners" are being gradually placed on the shelves of the leading public libraries of the country, and we again urge our friends to aid us in thus putting our volumes where they will be permanently accessible to seekers after historic truth.

"We contemplate increasing the size of our monthly and making other important improvements just so soon as our subscription list will justify, and we appeal to our friends to help in extending our