Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 08.djvu/278

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

armies, 2,600,000; men enrolled in Confederate armies, 600,000; white men from South in Federal armies (principally from Missouri, Kentucky and West Virginia), 400,000; in 1863, when our armies were greatest, their strength did not much exceed 200,000; Federal prisoners held by us, 270,000; Confederate prisoners lost by us, 220,000; Federal prisoners who died in our prisons, 22,576; Confederate prisoners who died in Northern prisons, 26,436. These figures are of unquestionable authority, and should always be regarded conclusive in considering questions which arise about relative forces, treatment of prisoners, &c.

After the generation of non-combatants, who harked us on to war against each other, while they traded in our blood, shall have passed away, these figures, with all they prove, will fix in history the conduct of the armies of the Southern Confederacy, and the character of the Southern people.

Dabney H. Maury.

Operations about Lookout Mountain.

We have on hand, and now publish for the first time, a number of reports of affairs about Lookout mountain. The reports given below will be followed by others until the whole of the series we have is completed.

We have been promised by several officers of high standing papers which shall discuss certain important features of these operations. Meantime these reports, never before in print, will be regarded as valuable contributions to the history of the Army of Tennessee:

Report of General Longstreet.

October 29, 1863.

Colonel George William Brent, Assistant-Adjutant General:

Colonel—Up to the 9th of October my forces were along the regular line of investment, extending from Lookout mountain, on the left, to Lieutenant-General D. H. Hill's corps, on the right. My left occupied the base of the mountain, and sharpshooters extended the line to the river on the west slope of the mountain. I had a small picket upon the summit of the mountain, and a small cavalry force about Trenton reported to me from time to time. On the 9th, I received orders to send my sharpshooters down the river to occupy a point on the left bank between Raccoon mountain and