Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 08.djvu/332

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

Enclosed I hand you copies of the reports of officers commanding the different regiments composing this brigade.

I have the honor to be,

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

A. R. Wright,
Brigadier-General Commanding Brigade.

Report of Brigadier-General Joseph R. Davis.

Headquarters Davis' Brigade, August 26th, 1863.

Major R. H. Finney, Assistant Adjutant-General:

Major—I have the honor to submit the following report to you of the part taken by my brigade in the battle of the 1st of July, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Early on the morning of the 1st I moved in rear of Archer's brigade, with three regiments of my command (the Eleventh Mississippi being left as a guard for the division wagon train) from camp on the heights near Cashtown, by a turnpike road leading to Gettysburg. When within about two miles from town our artillery was put in position and opened fire. I was ordered to take position on the left of the turnpike, and, with the right resting on it, press forward towards the town. About 10.30 A. M. a line of battle was formed, with the Forty-second Mississippi, Colonel H. R. Miller commanding, on the right; Fifty-fifth North Carolina, Colonel J. R. Connally commanding, on the left, and Second Mississippi, Colonel J. M. Stone commanding, in the centre. Skirmishers were thrown forward and the brigade moved forward to the attack.

Between us and the town, and very near it, was a commanding hill in wood—the intervening space being inclosed fields of grass and grain, and was very broken. On our right was the turnpike and a railroad, with deep cuts and heavy embankments, diverging from the turnpike as it approached the town. On the high hill the enemy had artillery, with infantry supports. The line of skirmishers advanced, and the brigade moved forward about one mile, driving in the enemy's skirmishers, and came within range of his line of battle, which was drawn up on a high hill in a field a short distance in front of a railroad cut. The engagement soon became very warm. After a short contest, the order was given to