Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 09.djvu/120

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History of the Fourth Kentucky Infantry.

was quick to see his rights, and brave to enforce them. While he lived his men had the very best of everything. We would often be in the enjoyment of plenty to eat and wear, while those around us would be suffering. Lieutenant-Colonel Hynes was rather old to be in the war; but he filled his place nobly, all the same. He was beloved by us as boys love their fathers; indeed, he exercised the part of father to many lads who were most too young to venture so far from home. It was thus the old Fourth started on a career that was to make it immortal. Promotion was slow, as we would naturally call it. Officers above you had either to die, resign or be killed, or permanently disabled before an advancement would be made. There was no such thing as general officers saying, on the field of battle or elsewhere: "Lieutenant, you are hereafter a Captain," or "Captain, you are now a Major," &c., &c. You got your promotion as "next" when a vacancy occurred above you, always provided you passed the "Board of Examiners," which was no easy matter, you may be sure.

Nevertheless, by bullets and disease, our field officers changed thus: Trabue, Colonel; Hynes resigned, and Monroe killed at Shiloh, made Nuckols Lieutenant-Colonel, and Ingram, of Company B, transferred to the artillery, and Fitzhenry, of Company C, resigned, made Robert, of Company D, Major, and then Roberts was killed at Murfreesboro. Monroe, of Company E, being killed at Shiloh at the time Major Monroe, his brother, was killed, made Adair, of Company F, Major. Trabue died after receiving promotion to Brigadier-General in Richmond, which made Nuckols Colonel, Adair Lieutenant-Colonel Trice, of Company G, losing his sight, resigned. Bramlette, of Company H, killed at Murfreesboro, made Thompson, of Company I, Major.

Lieutenant-Colonel Adair, still suffering from a severe wound received at Shiloh, was compelled to resign on account of it, making Thompson Lieutenant-Colonel, and Millett, of Company K, Major.

Nuckols, who was wounded in every battle, and by continuous suffering from fearful wounds, was retired, making Thompson Colonel. Millett, of Company K, was killed while Major. Bird Rogers, First Lieutenant of Company A (in the beginning) was killed while Major, leaving, when the war closed, Steele and Weller, two junior First Lieutenants (in the beginning), waiting for their commissions as Lieutenant-Colonel and Major.

By the time we were fully organized diseases incident to recruits in camp commenced to attack our men. From one-fourth to a third, and even half, would be on the sick list at once. A great many of our boys died without having fired a gun at the enemy. Thus, when the