Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 09.djvu/20

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Battle of Ocean Pond, Florida.


Head-quarters Department of Richmond,
February 26, 1864.

Respectfully forwarded at the request of Brigadier-General Barton.

Arnold Elzey, Major-General.

Head-quarters, 3d March, 1864.

I think it due to General Barton that a court of inquiry be granted him.

R. E. Lee, General.

Respectfully submitted to the adjutant and inspector-general.

Sam'l W. Melton,
Major and Assistant Adjutant-General.

Organization Office, March 8, 1864.

Battle of Ocean Pond, Florida.

The following reports of the brilliant engagement of "Ocean Pond," Florida, were not printed by the Confederate Government, and so far as we know, were never before in print. They will be' read with interest, and will be received as a valuable contribution to the material for the future historian:


Head-quarters Department of
South Carolina, Georgia and Florida,
Charleston, S. C., March 25th, 1864.

General,—In transmitting detailed reports of recent operations in East Florida, I have to accompany them, for the information of the War Department, with the following:

The officer in observation at Foot Point, of the enemy's fleet in the waters of Port Royal and Broad river, having reported, on the afternoon of the 14th January, that some thirty-five vessels, including an iron-clad from Hilton Head, had gone to sea in the fog the day before,