Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 09.djvu/222

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of of 218 ve? react of ? f?U? ? the form and f?r? of ?e ?at ?e l?en? ? exc?ent, ?e form ?d ? weU ?gh pe?, w?e ?e old ?et ?p, Ul?d on ?e n?, the ?v? ?, ?e u?- fo? ?t, ?e sp?, the ?b?l of ?e' det?s of ?e ? ?d d?omb?e ? ?ve not an ? J?k?n of ?e ?t's ?ncy, but the ve?ble "ol? S?new?," whom we ? ? ? ?n?ng on ?me ?de, alo? which ? ve? were hu?y?g ? line of basle. lnde? we ?uld ?m?t s? him tu? suddenly away, mount ? old mw-?n? ?l, ?d g?lop ? ?e ?v?ce a? Une ?d en?i?c ch? of ?e "F?t ?av?." Bu? nol ? on ?e ?ght ?fore ?e battle of Fi?t Man? he d?lin? ? have ?nt? ?, ?ng, "?t ?e we? t?llo? sleep, ?d X will ?d the c?p ?ght,*') ?nd though ?e we? hou? of the ?ght s? "lone of ?t b?d of al?ping he?"? now let ?t ? figu? ? ?d "?e bivou? of ?e de?," and the d?t of h? who sleep ?n? that mound. ' It ?l not ? ?p?r ? ?dd, ? ? mt?r of d?p in?r?t ?t M?. J?c?n ?d M? J?ia are ?th de?gh?d ? ?e s?tue, ?d M?. J?k?n pronounc? it ve? fine likea?. Afar prayer by ?v. Fa?er D. Hube?, the ve?r? ?pl?n, ?mb and ?atue were preened by Uap? W. ?. Lye, ?h?mn of

e ?m?, aud r?v? by ?lonel J. B. ?c?d?n, Pr?ident of 

?e ?u?na ?on, A?y of Nor?e? Vb? ? b?ef which we ?ve ? full: ? ?e ex?ution of ?e tru? w?ch you ?mmlt? ? ? ? a ?m- ?t? ?m your ?y ? erst a monument ?d ?mb ? ?e memo? of B?new?l 3?n and ?s mea, we are he? ?ay ? ?ow you r?t of o? work, and ?k yo? ?cep?ce of it and o? d?ge Perha? it my be weU, ? in th? v?t au?ence ?ere ?e m?y who ?ve come ? mnh?'s ? ?nce the w?, ? ?t fo? the ch?r ?d obj? of the ?ia?on w?ch we reprint here ?-day. ?me ?me in 1875 ?e ?vo? of ?e ?rmy of ?o?ern ?ir?, who h? fought under ? and J?k?n, organ? ? ?on w?ch ?uld ? ?mmemora?ve and non-? in ch?r. A few mon? ?r ?e org?a?on of ?t Vb? ?a?on, a br?c? Digitized by Goodie