Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 09.djvu/394

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va. rx. momma, vi, Shptember,188l. no. 9. Lll1lll1l$|l&lVll'|ll|lll|UBll.l¢'l»l»iillll-AKl ofoaharelerantesaenonaleligalgnasllaaeleetttlelanangs The annual gatherings of the veterans of the Army Northern Vir- ginia have for some years peat been a moet interesting feature in the exercises of “Fair week” in Richmond, and have attracted always large orowde and enthusiastic interest. _ The meeting this year was no exception; and 'there gathered in the State Capitol Tuesday night, October 25th, such In array of brave men and fair women as these oocadone never fail to'draw. Jnat before the appointed hour General J. A. Early eame into the hall, and was greeted with loud and continued applause. In the absence of the preddent (General W. H. F. Ins) Colonel T. H. Carter, one ol' the vioe-presidents, called the meeting to order, and etated that the Executive Committee had requested General J. A. Early to preside. Al General Early took the chair he was again greeted with enthusi- astic applause. He called on Dr. J. William Jones, who lead in prayer. On motion of Colonel H. C. Cabell, a committee ooneisting of Colonel H. 0. Cabell, Private J. Hall Moore, Captain J. V. Bidgood, Captain W. G. McCabe, and Captain Harwell T. Clarke was appointed to recommend odieers for the ensuing year.