Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 12.djvu/110

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100 Southern Historical Society Papers.

specie and bullion) belonging to the Government, and estimated at one hundred and eight thousand, three hundred and twenty-two lYff dollars ($108,322.90).

He will distribute the specie, proportionably, to the- troops pres- ent upon certified returns of the strength of their commands by the several brigade commanders. He will correctly estimate the value of the bullion in coin; and will pay in gold, placed in his hands for the purpose, as above required for the distribution of the silver in specie.

By command of the Sec'ty of War.

(Signed) W. J. Davis, A. A. G.

For Maj. White, O. M.

This is endorsed in the same hand as the previous paper, No. 8, and as follows: "WarDep't C. S., May 3rd, 1865. Extract Spe- cial Order No. . (Copy.) Directs Maj. White, O. M., to take

charge of Gov't silver, and pay to troops, &c. A true copy — Wm. J. Davis, A. A. G*"

The signature confirms that this and other papers are correctly construed as Maj. D — 's handwriting.

C. R. B.

Greensboro', 23 April. Gen'l J. C. Breckinridge, — Gen. Sherman writes that he expects the return of his officer from Washington to-morrow.

J. E. Johnston.

Charlotte, N. C, April 23, 1865. To His Excellency the President:

Sir, — In obedience to your request, I have the honor to submit my advice on the course you should take upon the memorandum or basis of agreement made on the i8th inst. , by and between Gen. J. E. Johnston, of the Confederate States Army, and Gen. W. T. Sherman, of the United States Army, provided that paper should receive the approval of the Government of the United States.

The principal army of the Confederacy was recently lost in Vir- ginia. Considerable bodies of troops not attached to that army have either dispersed or marched toward their homes, accompanied by many of their officers. Five days ago the effective force in in- fantry and artillery of General Johnston's army was but 14,770 men, and it continues to diminish. That officer thinks it wholly impossi-