Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 12.djvu/157

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Organization of the Army of Tennessee. 14T

StrahVs Brigade. Brigadier-General O. F. Strahl. Fourth and Fifth Tennessee, Colonel J. J. Lamb. Nineteenth Tennessee, Colonel F. M. Walker. Twenty-fourth Tennessee, Colonel J. A. Wilson. Thirty-first Tennessee, Colonel E. E. Tansil.

Thirty- third Tennessee .

Artillery. Major Malanchton Smith. Carnes's (Tennessee) Battery, Captain W. W. Carnes. Scogin's (Georgia) Battery, Captain John Scogin. Scott's (Tennessee) Battery, Lieutenants J. H. Marsh and A. T.

Watson. Smith's (Mississippi) Battery, Lieutenant William B. Turner. Stanford's Battery, Captain T. J. Stanford.


Lieutenant-General Daniel H. Hill.

cleburnes's division.

Major-General P. R. Cleburne.

Wood's Brigade. Brigadier-General S. A. M. Wood. Sixteenth Alabama, Major J. H. McGaughy and Captain F. A. Ash- ford. Thirty-third Alabama, Colonel Samuel Adams. Forty-fifth Alabama, Colonel E. B. Breedlove. Eighteenth Alabama Battalion, Major J. H. Gibson and Colonel

Samuel Adams. (a) Thirty-second and Forty-fifth Mississippi, Colonel M. P. Lowrey. Sharpshooters, Major A. T. Hawkins and Captain Daniel Coleman.

Polk' s Brigade. Brigadier-General L. E. Polk. First Arkansas, Colonel J. W. Colquitt. Third and Fifth Confederate, Colonel J. A. Smith. Second Tennessee, Colonel W. D. Robison. Thirty-fifth Tennessee, Colonel B. J. Hill. Forty-eighth Tennessee, Colonel G. H. Nixon.

(a) Thirty third Alabama.