Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 12.djvu/170

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160 Southern Historical Society Papers.

Freeman's (Tennessee) Battery, Captain A. L Huggins. Morton's (Tennessee) Battery, Captain John W. Morton.

pegram's division.(<^) Brigadier-General John Pegram.

Davidson s Brigade. Brigadier-General H. B. Davidson. First Georgia.

Sixth Georgia, Colonel John R. Hart. Sixth North Carolina. Rucker's Legion. Huwald's (Tennessee) Battery.

Scott's Brigade.

Colonel J. S. Scott. Tenth Confederate, Colonel C. T. Goode.

Detachment of Morgan's command, Lieutenant-Colonel R. M. Martin. First Louisiana. Second Tennessee. Fifth Tennessee. Twelfth Tennessee Battalion.

Sixteenth Tennessee Battalion, Captain J. O. Arnold. Louisiana Battery, (one section.)

Letters from Fort Sumter. By Lieutenant Iredell Jones, of First Regimefit South Carolina Regulars.

Fort Sumter, August 12th, 1883.

  • * This morning the enemy opened on the Fort with a 200-

pound Parrott gun and shelled us rapidly for about one hour and a half with, we all admit, the greatest accuracy, and also with consid- erable damage. A steamer at the wharf was almost torn to pieces by a single shot, which, entering at the bow, raked her fore and aft, penetrating the boiler and bursting the machinery into fragments, besides scalding several negroes severely. Another unlucky (or lucky, as you may be pleased to call it) shot, found its way to our

(d) Taken from Pegram's and Scott's reports and assignments, but the composition of this division is uncertain.