Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 12.djvu/249

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Editorial Paragraphs. 239

able to go thence to Richmond, so as to take part in the pleasing and im- posing ceremonies at the opening of the Fair. My whole heart is in this cause, but I must deny myself the pleasure of being with you bodily on the 14th. I shall be there, however, in spirit.

.Sincerely yours, J. B. Gordon.

It may be proper to say to our friends everywhere that this effort to estab- lish a Confederate Home on a proper foundation will need large sums in addition to what we maybe able to realize from the Fair; that additional contributions will be thankfully received, and that if we can be of any ser- vice in giving information or conveying funds to the treasury we should be glad for our friends to command us.

Renewals were never more " in order " than just now. We have due us, in small sums all over the country, over three thousattd dollars, which would be a very small matter to the individual subscribers, but is a very great matter to us.

We beg our friends to remit at once.

Roster Corrections.— General Lane calls attention to the fact that our types in the April number made us change into Coiuard' the name of the gallant Colonel, R. V. Cowan, of the Thirty-Third North Carolina, whose death since the war has been so widely lamented by old comrades and friends.

The following makes important corrections in the artillery organization Army of Tennessee, which we take pleasure in publishing:

Feagan's, Houston Co., Ga., April 7, 1884.

Rev. J. William Jones. Richmond, Va. :

Dear Sir, — In reviewing your published list of the artillery battalions of General Bragg's army engaged at the battle of Chickamauga, I find several errors, which I hope you will not think it vanity or presumption in me to ask corrected, for I think it due not only to myself but to the batteries that opened the fight, and who suffered most, that they should be mentioned. Very little artillery was brought into the action, the density of the forest not permitting its use. The fight was opened early Saturday morning by Cap- tains Lumsden's, Little's and Yates's batteries, who went with Colonel Nil- son's Georgia regiment, Colonel Ector's Texas regiment and a Georgia battalion (name of Major forgotten), to assist General Forest to hold the enemy in check until General Bragg could be informed of General Rose- crans's approach. The above troops were from MajorGeneral W. H. T. Walker's reserve corps, composed of General Walker's division, com- manded by General Gist, and General Liddel's division.

On the formation of the new corps I was ordered to report to General Walker, and placed in command of his artillery, and Major Feli.x Robertson ordered to my battalion, the Fourteenth Georgia artillery. Reserve Artil- lery A. T.

Reserve Artillery A. T., composed of Major Felix Robertson's command ; Anderson's Battery, Georgia, Commander Anderson ; Havis Battery, Geor- gia, Commander Havis ; Massenburg Battery, Georgia, Commander Mas- senburg; Basset Battery, Missouri, Commander Basset.