Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 12.djvu/394

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384 Southern Historical Society Papers.

shown the position to which General Bragg ordered General Polk,

and the steps taken to occupy it, we now reproduce General Bragg' s

orders to attack :

Headquarters Army Tennessee,

Lafayette, Ga., 6 P. M., September 12.

Lieutenant- General Polk:

General: I enclose you a dispatch from General Pegram. This presents you a fine opportunity of striking Crittenden in detail, and I hope you will avail yourself of it at daylight to-morrow. This division crushed, and the others are yours. We can then turn on the force in the Cove. Wheeler's cavalry will move on Wilder so as to cover your right. I shall be delighted to hear of your success.

Very truly yours,

Braxton Bragg.

Headquarters Army Tennessee, Lafayette, Ga., 6 P. M., Sept. 12th, 1863. Lieutenant- Geiieral Polk, Commanding Corps :

General : I enclose you a dispatch marked "A," and I now give

you the orders of the Comm.anding General — viz: to attack at day-

dawn to-morrow the infantry column reported in said dispatch, at

three-quarters of a mile beyond Peavi^ie Chiirch, on the road to

Gray sville, from Lafayette.

I am, General, etc.,

Geo. W. Brent, Assistant Adjutant General.

Headquarters Army Tennessee, Lafayette, Ga., Sept. 12th, 1863. Lieutenant- General Polk, Commayiding Corps :

General: The enemy is approaching from the south, and it is highly important that your attack in the morning should be quick and decided. Let no time be lost.

I am, General, etc.,

Geo. W. Brent, Assistant Adjutant General.

at my urgent request, the order to march was suspended until daylight to- morrow. The within order was received at 9:05 P. M. My command will be ready to move at 10 P. M. I respectfully request that a staff-officer from corps headquarters may meet me at the head of my column, to designate to me the place where my command is to be camped.

T. C. HiNDMAN, Maj.-GenH Command' g.