Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 12.djvu/549

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Diary of Hev. J. G. Law. 539

yell arose from the ranks of the old One Hundred and Fifty-fourth, and leaping over the fence, we charged through the open field in the face of a perfect storm of bullets, and scattered the enemy like chaflf before the wind. As they turned to fly, we opened fire with our En- field rifles, and mowed them down like grass. The flanking column closed in on the right, and their rout was complete. A gallant officer mounted on a white horse was seen with sword in hand, making a desperate effort to rally the flying columns, and reform the broken lines on a commanding eminence, but a well directed volley was poured into the disorganized blue mass, and horse and rider disap- peared. The enemy continued their flight hotly pursued by our vic- torious troops, and left the ground covered with their dead and wounded. We have captured a large number of prisoners., and they are still coming in. General Cleburne is wounded.

Two o'clock P. M, We have had another fight, and have again routed the enemy and driven him in confusion from a strong position in the open fields. His artillery was well posted, and the shot and shell tore through our ranks as we advanced to the attack, but such was the impetuosity of our charge, and such the demoralization of the enemy, that their line was easily broken, and the shout of victory again went up from the Confederate ranks.

We have had a beautiful battle-ground, and could plainly see every movement of the enemy before we came within range of their fire. We are now resting in sight of their camp, and the white tents look very tempting. But they are shelling us, and we will have to take the battery. I thank God for my escape from injury so far. One of the prisoners reports that they have eighteen thousand fresh troops coming up to reinforce their army, but I feel confident of our ability to hold the field, trusting not in numbers, but in the God who rules over the earth and defends the right. The firing has ceased, but we will probably have more of it before night. Our army is elated with success and flushed with victory, while the enemy are demoralized and dispirited by continuous defeat. General Preston Smith is now in command of the division, as General Cleburne is disabled by his wound. Colonel Vaughn, of the Thirteenth Tennessee, commands the brigade, and Lieutenant- Colonel Mageveney commands the regi- ment

Seven o'clock P. M. The curtain has dropped. The dark and bloody tragedy is closed, and we are in possession of the town of Richmond. The enemy made a last desperate stand on the outskirts of the town, and fought us with great gallantry, contesting every