Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 12.djvu/552

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542 Southern Historical Society Papers.

success and bouyant with joyous excitement. At the head of the column marched the regimental band, filling the air with the inspir- ing strains of martial music, followed by the long line ol gray, with bayonets fixed and banners floating proudly in the breeze. We could not have met with a more enthusiastic reception if the old One Hun- dred and Fifty-fourth, senior regiment of Tennessee volunteers, had marched down Main street in Memphis, after its baptism of blood at Belmont. It was a proud moment for the Southern army. The morning was lovely and heaven seemed to give us its gracious bene- diction. It was a perfect ovation. The streets of the beautiful city were lined with fair women and brave men. Confederate flags waved over our heads and floated from the windows, and as we filed through the streets under a canopy of white handkerchiefs, cheer upon cheer rose in one harmonious volume of enthusiasm for Jeffer- son Davis and the Southern boys.

In the distance could be seen the handsome monument of Henry Clay, and I felt profoundly grateful and happy over the thought, that the resting-place of Kentucky's great statesman was no longer polluted by the tread of Lincoln's hireling soldiery. If Henry Clay were alive to-day would he not join in the hearty welcome extended by Lexington to the soldiers of the Confederate cause, and raise his eloquent voice in defence of the principles for which we contend ?

September 4. — Have spent the day in Lexington wandering about the beautiful streets and feasting my eyes on the pretty, rosy-cheeked girls. The great chieftain, John Morgan, came into the city last night. He is a splendid type of the ^enus homo, and seems to be a perfect idol with the people. They gather around him in groups and listen with wondering admiration to the recital of his daring adventures. Recruiting is going on rapidly, and Kentucky is enlisted in the cause of freedom. My good friend, Tony Bartlett, introduced me to the family of Mrs. Winslow, where we spent a delightful evening and en- joyed a social cup of tea.

September 5. — Left Lexington at sunrise and marched eighteen miles on the Maysville pike. The march was very severe. Weather hot and roads dusty.

September 6. — Marched twelve miles, and are now resting at Rud- der's Mill. Passed through Paris early this morning and turned off into the Covington road.

Sunday, September 7. — Marched twelve miles (more than a Sab- bath day's journey) and are camping to-night near Cynthiana. The Southern feeling is strong thoughout the country and recruiting is go-