Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 13.djvu/205

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204 Southern Historical Society Papers.



July 8th, 1863. Captain CHAS. C. HARDWICK,

Acting Adjutant- General:

CAPTAIN, I have the honor to report that about four o'clock in the afternoon during the battle of Gettysburg on the 2d inst. , all officers senior to me having fallen, the command of this regiment de- volved upon me, and during the remainder of the battle, both that day and the next and until the present time I have continued in com- mand, and it now becomes my duty to report the part taken by the regiment in the action. Lieutenant-Colonel Mounger was killed by a piece of shell, soon after the advance commenced, while leading the regiment with his characteristic gallantry, and for about an hour afterwards Major Jones was in command, when he and Captain King were both wounded and taken from the field nearly at the same mo- ment. The regiment occupied its usual position in line on the left of the brigade and the extreme left of the division, and having for near an hour and a half no support on its left, the advance of Mc- Laws's division being, for some reason, thus long delayed, which left the flank very much exposed, while advancing near the distance of a mile, to an enfilading fire of the enemy's batteries, and also to the fire of a flanking party of the enemy, who were prompt to take advantage of the exposed condition of the flank. To meet this flanking party I changed the front of three companies, and for near an hour, against great odds, held them in check until relieved by the advance of McLaws's division, which finally came up on our left. The whole line now again pressed forward, and though entirely with- out supports, dispersed and scattered a fresh line of the enemy who came up against us, and pursued them four or five hundred yards further to the base of the mountain upon which the enemy's heavy batteries were posted, which we found to be the strongest natural po- sition I ever saw. Our little band, now thinned and exhausted by three hours and a half constant fighting, made a gallant attempt to storm the batteries, but the enemy being again heavily reinforced we were met by a storm of shot and shell, against which, in our worn out condition we could not advance. I believe that had McLaws's divi- sion advanced with our line so that we could have arrived at this