Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 13.djvu/214

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Official Reports of the Battle of Gettysburg. 213

worked carefully until the ammunition was exhausted, when I first ordered Captain Moore and then Lieutenant Landry to retire; this, however, was but a short time before the enemy withdrew.

The casualties in my command were but slight in this battle. Captain Moore had four men wounded and two horses killed. Lieu- tenant Landry had one .man wounded and two horses killed. From the reports of Captain Moore and Lieutenant Landry, I believe that the abandonment of the pieces and caissons of their batteries was unavoidable.

The led-horses ordered to be turned over to them by General Imboden were too much broken down to be of any service, and the wagons were loaded with wounded men. Very respectfully,

Your obedient servant,


Major of Battalion. To Lieutenant- Colonel J. J. GARNETT,

Commanding Battalion Light Artillery.




August 3d, 1863. To Colonel E. P. ALEXANDER :

COLONEL, In accordance with a circular from your head- quarters, issued this morning, I make the following report :

On or about the 3d day of June last, I left Milford Station, Caroline county, with my battery, in company with the other batteries of your battalion. We proceeded to Culpeper Courthouse, near which place we went into camp on the 6th of June. We remained here until the 1 5th recruiting our horses, repairing our gun carriages, wagons, harness, &c., &c., with little else of interest, except that when the enemy's cavalry made a dash upon ours, near Brandy Station, our battalion marched out to meet them, but we did not have the pleasure of a meeting. Our cavalry drove them back.

On the I5th day of June we started for the Valley of Virginia, and arrived at Millwood, in Clarke county, on the i8th, where we remained