Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 13.djvu/403

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402 Southern Historical Society Papers.

regiments in the front line from Gregg's brigade; Hindman's division formed on my left, and Stewart's on my right; Hood's division, com- manded by Brigadier-General Law, formed in rear of my diyision, giving us a depth of three lines. About ten o'clock A. M. our skir- mishers fell back under the advance of the enemy. My line promptly opened a steady fire with artillery and small arms, which soon re- pulsed the attack. Ten minutes after eleven o'clock A. M. a general advance was ordered, which, commencing somewhere on the right, included Hindman's division on the left. The enemy occupied the ground in our front, along the road leading from Chattanooga to Lee & Gordon's "mill. Their line was formed along the fence at Brotherton's house, and they had a battery in the open field south of the house, where Johnson's brigade had captured a battery on Sat- urday. The enemy also occupied two lines of breastworks, made of rails and timber, extending along my front and to the left of it, in the woods west of Brotherton's farm. By order of Major- General Hood I moved my division forward, and at once engaged the enemy. We advanced about six hundred yards through the woods undef a heavy fire of artillery and infantry, which swept our ranks with terrific effect, and crossed the road to Lee & Gordon's mill, the left brigades of my division passing on either side of Brotherton's house. Our charge was irresistible, and the Yankees who did not flee were killed or captured at the fences and outhouses. Among the latter is especially mentioned Colonel F. A. Bartleson, of the One Hundredth Illinois regiment, who was captured, with many others, by Johnson's brigade.

Everett's battery now took a position in a field south of Brother- ton's house, and opened to the front and left, firing about six rounds to the piece, and my line again moved forward under a heavy fire from the enemy's breastworks. The fire was so heavy that my right brigade faltered for a moment, and some of the men commenced fall- ing back, but it was soon rallied and moving forward again. My whole line, Gregg's brigade in rear, supported by Hood's division, under Law, in a third line, swept forward with great force and rapidity and carried the breastworks, from which the foe precipitately retreated, under a heavy fire, particularly directed to the left, from my left brigade. Having advanced some distance in the woods west of Brotherton's farm to the foot of a small ascent covered with a thick growth of young pines, my right brigade halted under the effect of a heavy fire, which was also severely damaging my second line. Colonel Suggs now pushed to the front the three regiments of