Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 14.djvu/476

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

less prodigality, and with results which are suggested by the mention of the glorious names of Shiloh and Perryville, and Murfreesboro, and Chickamauga, and the Chickahominy and Manassas, and Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville.

Soldiers ! assured success awaits us in our holy struggle for liberty and independence, and for the preservation of all that renders life desirable to honorable men. When that success shall be reached, to you, your country's hope and pride, under Divine Providence, will it be due. The fruits of that success will not be reaped by you alone, but your children and your children's children, in long generations to come, will enjoy blessings derived from you that will preserve your memory ever-living in their hearts.

Citizen defenders of the homes, the liberties, and the altars of the Confederacy! that the God whom we all humbly worship may shield you with His fatherly care and preserve you. for safe return to the peaceful enjoyment of your friends and the association of those you most love, is the earnest prayer of your commander in-chief.

Jefferson Davis

"Beast" Butler Outlawed.

[The following proclamation of President Davis should be pre- served:]


Whereas a communication was addressed on the 6th day of July last (1862), by General Robert E, Lee, acting under the instructions of the Secretary of War of the Confederate States of America, to General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief of the United States Army, informing the latter that a report had reached this Government that William B. Mumford, a citizen of the Confederate States, had been executed by the United States authorities at New Orleans, for having pulled down the United States flag in that city before its occupation by the forces of the United States, and calling for a statement of the facts with a view to retaliation if such an outrage had really been committed under sanction of the authorities of the United States.

And, whereas (no answer having been received to said letter),