Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 15.djvu/517

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Abbott, Capt. G. W., 432. Abbott, L. H. T., 124. Abbott, Capt. W. L., 109. Abbott, Lt. W. R., 467. Able, Lt. T. N., 403. Abney, Capt. Zach., 314. Acosta, Lt. J. J., 304. Adams, Capt. G S., 421. Adams, Lt. J. H., 314. Adams, Col. James T., 296. Adams, Q. M. Sgt. N. B., 177. Adams, Capt. R. H. T., 69. Adams, Jr., Capt. Saml. T., 263. Adams, Lt. T. R., 43, 49. Adams, Major W. C., 238. Adams, Adj. W. F. C., 238. Agee, Lt. G. T., 72. Agnew, Lt. W. S., 327. Akins, Lt. L., 96. Ala. InPy, 3d regt., 239. Ala. InPy, 4th regt., 44, 146. Ala. InPy, sth regt., 241. Ala. InPy, 6th regt., 242. Ala. InPy, Sth regt., 315. Ala. InPy, 9th regt., 6, 317. Ala. InPy, loth regt., 318. Ala. InPy, nth regt., 6, 320. Ala. InPy, I2th regt., 244. Ala. InPy, J3th regt., 323. Ala. InPy, I4th regt., 4, 324, 464. Ala. InPy, isth regt., 5, 149. Ala. InPy, 4oth regt., 414. Ala. InPy, 4ist regt., 422. Ala. InPy, 43d regt., 415, 422. Ala. InPy, 44th regt., 152. Ala. InPy, 47th regt., 146, 155. Ala. InPy, 48th regt., 158. Ala. InPy, 49th regt., 423. Ala. InPy, 5gth regt., 417. Ala. InPy, 6oth regt., 418, 422. Ala. InPy, 6ist regt., 245. Ala. InPy, sth Batt., 271, 456. Ala. InPy, 23d Batt., 420, 422. Albemarle Artillery', 68. Albright, Lt. H. A., 15,65. Alderman, Lt. J. H., 286. Aldred, Lt. J. H. W., 334- Aldrich, Lt A. A., 161. Alexander Gen. E. P., 41, 43.

Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander

Ensign G. L., no. Capt. J. M., 296. Lt.J. M., 160. Lt. S. S., 334. Lt. W. S., 124.

Alford, Lt. J. W., 414. Alfriend, Lt. E. P., 109. Alison, Lt. H. J., 122. Alison, Lt.J. B., 212. Allen, Capt. D. C., 253. Allen, Capt. John, 286. Allen. Lt. John W., 382. Allen, Lt. L H., 96. Allen, Lt. R. A. ,447. Allen, Capt. R. E , 71. Allen, Lt. R. W., 239. Allen, Capt. VV. C., 96. Allen, Lt. W. L., 177. Allen, Lt. W. S.,369.

Allensworth, Maj. A. J., 286.

Allensworth, Capt. G., 73.

Allison, Capt. W. B., 403.

Allyn, Lt. J. T., 16.

Alman, Col. W. T., 95, 97.

Alsop, B., 18.

Alston, Capt. B. P., 123.

Ambulance Corps, 446, 457.

Amelia C. H., vi, xxv.

Anderson, Lt. A. B., 72.

Anderson's Corps, xxvi.

Anderson, Maj. D. W., 85.

Anderson, Lt. F. M., 144.

Anderson, Gen. G. T., 94.

Anderson, Lt. J. C., 368.

Anderson, Ass't Surg. I. W., 284.

Anderson, Capt. J. E., 160.

Anderson, Capt. R. T., 395.

Anderson, Capt. T. A., 161.

Andrews, Capt. 5. M., 395.

Andrews, Lt. W. M., 382.

Angel, Lt. J. C., 17.

Angerman, Lt. W. H., 558.

Anthon, Lt. L., 122.

Appleton, Lt. Thos. N., 146.

Appomattox C. H., Engagement at, x.

Apps, Lt. Geo. S., 14.

Archer, Col. F. H., 447.

Archer, Capt. J. W., 274.

Archer, Lt. S. M., 18.

Archer. Lt. W. S., 18.

Archibald, Ensign J. G., 145.

Ardrey, Lt. T. S., 161.

Ardrey, Capt. W. E., 253.

Arkansas Inf., 3rd Reg't, 161.

Armistead, Capt. A. D., 16.

Armistead's Battery, 19, 44.

Armistead, Capt. S. W., 73.

Armstrong. Lt. E. Jones, 190.

Armstrong, Rev. G. B., 433.

Armstrong, D. D., Rev. Geo. D., 70.

Armstrong, Capt. N. E., 383.

Armstrong, Capt. T. J., 357.

Armstrong, Maj. W. J., 13.

Army N. Va., H'dq'rs Officers, 1-3; rations of

corn to, vi ; heroism and sufferings of, xxv ;

number surrendered, xxvii. Army Corps, ist (Longstreet's), Officers of, 69. Army Corps, 2d (Gordon's), 185; detailed men

of, 186, 454; at Field Hospital, 186; in Q.-M.

dep't, 186; Ala. troops at, 187, 188; Provost

Guard of, 187-189, 271, 273. Army Corps, 3d, Officers of, 69. Arnall, Lt. Charles S., 85. Arnold, Maj. John W., 95, 101. Arnold, Col. R. B., 476. Artillery Corps, 12, 456 ; ist Corps, officers and

men at H'dq'rs, 41; Ordnance Train, men

with, of ist and 3d Corps, 44. Artillery, loth Va. Batt., 441. Artillery, i8th Va. Batt., 442. Artillery, igth Va. Batt., 441. Ashcroft, Capt. T. E., 263. Ashford. Col. John, 383. Ashley, Lt. Geo., 287. Askew, Lt. H. Q., 314. Atkins, Lt. J. S., 247. Atkins, Capt. M. J., 458.