Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 15.djvu/74

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46 Southern Historical Society Papers.

Field and Staff of Hasketf s Battalion Artillery.

Jno. C. Haskell, Lt.-Col. Com'd'g, two horses.

J. S. Buist, Surgeon, one horse.

Edw. Royal, Ass't Surgeon, one horse.

P. B. Jones, Capt. and A. Q. M., one horse.

J. N. Cullingsworth, Lt. and Ord. Officer, one horse.

A. H. Bowen, Hospital Steward.


Lt.-Col. Arfy, Commanding. H'dq'rs Haskell' s Batt. near Appo- mattox C. H., April ro, 1865.


Capt. John A. Ramsav 1 s Company D, loth Regiment North Caro- lina Troops, Artillery.

Jesse F. Woodard, ist Lieut., one horse. Edwin W. Wilcox, ist Serg't. Henry S. S. Cooper, Q. M. Serg't. James A. Garman, Serg't.


Robert Alman, Andrew J. Jones,

William F. Bunn, Caleb A. Miller,

Allen Daughtry, Joseph Morgan,

Thadeus Downing, Mark Parker,

Robert Earnhart, Alfred L. Peeler,

John Everett, Daniel Peeler,

Constant Hall, Jeremiah Pierce,

Daniel Hartman, Otho M. Porter,

William Holland, Andrew J. Ruth,

John Honbager, Silas Shepherd,

James M. Howell, Alexander Turner,

Thomas Hyde, George W. Watkins.

Officers, Commissioned, i ; Non Commissioned, 3; Privates, 24.

A portion of this company were captured on the march from Rich- mond. Respectfully submitted,

J. F. WOODARD, ist Lieut. Com' d' g.