Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 16.djvu/422

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

In response, Colonel Zimmerman Davis read a letter from a distinguished officer of the English army, who also served in the Confederate army, paying a glowing tribute to the exalted heroism and indomitable valor of the individual men composing the Confederate army.

Fourth toast, by Captain A. W. Marshall: "The Infantry—They stood like a stone wall." Responded to by the Rev. Robert Wilson, D. D.

Fifth toast, by Dr. F. L. Frost: "The Artillery—'A little more grape, Captain Bragg.'" Responded to by the Rev. C. E. Chichester.

Sixth toast, by Colonel Zimmerman Davis: "The Cavalry—The men who were always fighting." In response, a letter was read from General M. C. Butler, warmly commending the Soldiers' Home established at Richmond, Va.

Toasts to "Our Southern Women" and "The Press" were proposed and fittingly responded to, and after many volunteer toasts and a social interchange of war reminiscences and adventures o'er flood and field, the assemblage dispersed.


Seal of the Southern Historical Society.
Seal of the Southern Historical Society.

Seal of the Southern Historical Society and the Great Seal of the Confederate States of America.

A seal of the design herewith presented was adopted by the Executive Committee of the Southern Historical Society, in meeting held October 26th, 1888, and it will be observed that it decorates the title-page of this volume also.