Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 17.djvu/50

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42 Southern Historical Society Papers

2d Lt. J. B. Gallman, 5th inft. , Unionsville.

" N. B. Lusk, 1 2th inft., Cherokee.

'* J. A. Garrett, Holcom*s, Spartenburg.

" J. G. Hallford, 8th inft., Timmonsville.

" W. E. Johnson, 7th cav., Kershaw's Division.

" Wm. Epps, 4th cav., Kingtree.

" David Gordon, 4th cav., Kingtree.

" M. P. Galoway, 23d inft., Marlsboro District.


Capt. Wm. D. Ballentine, 2d Fla. inft., Pensacola.

'* Wm. Bailey, 5th inft., Leon.

" G. Fenley, ist cav., Marion.

'• J. C. Talbot, 5th inft.. Lake City. .1st Lt. T. S. Armistead, 8th inft., Marianna.

" Sanders Myers, 4th inft., Appaalachicola. 2d Lt. S. M. Davis, 4th inft., Quincy.

" R. M. Hall, 9th inft., Appaalachicola.

  • ' A. L. Bull. 5th inft., Tallahassee.


Capt. R. F. Campbell, 49th inft.. Village Spring. " J. N. Chisholm, 9th inft., Florence. " J. N. Burton, 6th inft., Montgomery. " C. E. Chambers, 13th inft., Tuskegee. " L. S. Chitwood, 5th inft., Clayton.

  • ' J. W. Fannin, 6ist inft., Tuskegee.

1st Lt. A. J. Armstrong, 46th inft., Columbia.

" N. L. Bishop, i6th inft.

" H. A. Chatbourne, loth inft., Selma.

" J. J. Andrews, Wheeler's Staff, Florence.

" John P. Browlove, 4th inft., Tuskegee.

'* R. H. Adams, Wheeler's Staff, Fansdall.

" A. J. Kirkman, 4th bt. cav., Florence.

  • • P. N. Earl, 28th inft., Elyton.

" E. J. Mastin, Kel. staff, Autsville.

" D. E. Bates, Selma.

" J. L. Naynes, 14th inft., Talegrove.

" J. D. Band, 59th inft., Landers county. 2d Lt. Wm. H. Allen, 49th inft., Guntersville.