Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/112

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106 Southern Historical Society Papers.

Having followed the road some two or three hundred yards, near where the Gregory house stands, we turned about and marched in a left oblique direction towards the firing. After passing through the woods we came out in an open space where we found more than a dozen boilers filled with delicious coffee steaming over the fires. It may be that our friends on the other side intended to give us a treat, but of this there is much doubt. Certainly we did not waste any time to think of this, but helped ourselves to a cup of the refreshing beverage.


The line of our regiment now had become somewhat irregular and scattering, covering a great deal of ground. Continuing our ad- vance towards the enemy's rear, the right of our line struck a line of the Federals, who, on being ordered to surrender, dropped their guns without firing a shot. They appeared to be totally surprised. This was a force said to be two companies of the Ninth New Jersey, or it may have been a part of the Twenty seventh Massachusetts. Details were made to take charge of the prisoners ; and further on another line was started, and more prisoners fell into our hands. Then the left of our regiment came in the rear of troops just about where the Twenty-fourth was attacking in front.


On being ordered to surrender they turned about, calling out: "What regiment is that?" The answer, "The First Virginia," was answered by a volley so close that the powder flew in our faces, and nine of our best men were killed. They were Corporal W. A. Stoaber, Jerry Toomy and W. H. Crigger, of Company B ; Samuel Gillespie, of Company C ; Archie Govan, Company D ; Corporal R. R. Walthall, Company G; Sergeant John W. Wynne and Corporal J. A. Via, of Company H, and A. Figner, of Com- pany I.

Jerry Toomy, W. A. Stoaber, R. R. Walthall, John W. Wynne, J. A. Via, and A. Figner were of those who enlisted on the first bugle call and served with honor until they met a soldier's death. As Richmond soldier boys they should be remembered by the city for which they gave their lives.

A. Govan was a little conscript from Darbytown, near Richmond. He was a kind, innocent creature, particularly attached to me. Just