Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/157

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Stonewall Jackson. 151

"Yes, I always keep good horses," was Mr. Hope's reply ; " but I cannot lend them to every straggler who claims to be a Confede- rate officer on important business. You cannot have my horses."

" But our business is very urgent. We must and will have them, and you had as well saddle them at once. We will leave our horses in their place " " I do not saddle my own horses," was the indig- nant reply; "I keep negroes for that purpose, and I certainly shall not saddle them for you, especially as I have no assurance that you will ever bring them back." The officers soon got the horses and galloped off with them, and Mr. Hope was very much astonished when, several days afterward, they were returned in good condition " with thanks and compliments of General Jackson," and exclaimed, " why did he not tell me that he was Stonewall Jackson ? If I had known who he was I would have cheerfully given him all of the horses on the place, and have saddled them for him, too."

This worthy gentleman doubtless felt very much like the old citi- zen near Richmond, who, seeing a straggling cavalryman (as he sup- posed) riding across his field, rushed out with something of the vim of Miss Betsey Trotwood when donkeys appeared on her grass, and exclaimed: " Come back here, sir! Come back! How dare you ride over my grass? What is your name? I'll report you to the Gen- eral." " My name is Jackson," was the meek reply. "What Jack- son, sir? I want your full name and that of your company, that I may report you," was the sharp retort of the irate farmer.

" My name is T. J. Jackson, sir, and I am in command of the Second corps." "What! Stonewall Jackson? My sakes alive! Why didn't you tell me who you were? Please go back and ride through my wheat field ! Ride through my yard ! ! Ride through my house ! ! ! All that I have is at your service, and I beg you will show that you forgive my rudeness by using it," said the now thor- oughly excited old Confederate.

It is related that it was on this march that Jackson met one of Hood's Texans straggling from his command, and the following con- versation occurred:

"Where are you going, sir?"

" I don't know."

" What command do you belong to?

" Don't know, sir."

" What State are you from."

11 1 cannot tell."

" What do you know, then, sir? "