Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/240

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234 Southern Historical Society Papers.

being the second race on the same day over the New Market course > in both of which the Yankees reached the goal first. Major Lane brought in one prisoner. Reliable citizens reported that two cart- loads and one buggy-load of wounded were taken to Hampton. We had not a single man killed or wounded. Colonel Magruder came up that evening and assumed command.

On Sunday, the Qth, a fresh supply of tools enabled us to put more men to work, and when not engaged in religious duties the men worked vigorously on the entrenchments. We were aroused at 3 o'clock on Monday morning for a general advance upon the enemy, and marched three and a half miles, when we learned that the foe, in large force, was within a few hundred yards of us. We fell back hastily upon our entrenchments, and awaited the arrival of our invaders. Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart, of the Third Virginia regiment, having come with some one hundred and eighty men, was stationed on the hill on the extreme right, beyond the creek, and Company G, of my regiment, was also thrown over the stream to protect the howitzer under Captain Brown. Captain Bridgers, of Company A, First North Carolina regiment, took post in the dense woods beyond and to the left of the road. Major Montague, with three companies of his battalion, was ordered up from the rear, and took post on our right, beginning at the church and extending along the entire front on that side. This fine body of men and the gal- lant command of Lieutent-Colonel Stuart worked with great ra- pidity, and in an hour had constructed temporary shelter against the enemy's fire. Just at 9 o'clock A. M. the heavy columns of the enemy were seen approaching rapidly and in good order, but when Major Randolph opened upon them at 9:15 their organization was completely broken up. The enemy promptly replied with his artil- lery, firing briskly but wildly. He made an attempt at deploy- ment on our right of the road, under cover of some houses and a paling. He was, however, promptly driven back by our artillery, a Virginia company the Life Guards and Companies B and C of my regiment. The enemy attempted no deployment within mus- ketry range during the day, except under cover of woods, fences or paling. Under cover of the trees he moved a strong column to an old ford, some three-quarters of a mile below, where I had placed a picket of some forty men. Colonel Magruder sent Captain Werth's company, of Montague's command, with one howitzer, under Ser- geant Crane, to drive back this column, which was done with a sin-